Red leather Country Western Rockabilly jacket
Of the Red Osier Dogwood
Audacious and bold
Standing smartly, forest’s fringe
Red licorice delicacies for the deer
Plenty to go around
They sprout from the flat straw bedding
Of winter’s crush on summer grasses
Bordered by Cat Tail roasters of the perfect
Length. Topped with perfectly browned marshmallow puffs
Slowly seared by a perfect rotation from Sun’s toasting rays
Shadows slanting shapes of pine and birch
Wind’s seduction of hula rhythm
Dancing grasses, stalks of red
Buds, busting out, cracking bark
Seduced by warmth
Topless bathers on the landscape
Ferns and grasses
Ancient story tellers
Survivors despite
Our careless ravaging
Keepers of hope
These green fronds of legendary sweep
Yet, even when I pause, still and focused
There must be so much I cannot see
New shoots of grass
Tadpoles, fish
Wood ticks
Mosquito Larva
Particles of earth shifting
Seeds cracking open, sending roots down
Stems up
Eggs in nests, warmed by mother love feathers
Marsh Marigolds arching to reach the water’s surface and drink in the sun
Beatles and Bugs coming to life
The Earth breathing
The current of this Lost Creek Estuary
Now found.
Linnea Dietrich
Spring is on its way in all of its glory. Some seen, some unseen at this juncture in time. Your poem excites me to get outside and take a look. From Hackensack to home a week ag, 12 miles, we saw 70 deer. They are not unseen!!
OH, SO TRUE. Sometimes seen and sometimes unseen. I just knew they were there – peering out at me. Spring is so exciting with all its renewal and new growth. Fascinating…. but be careful not to get too friendly with those deer.