The angle of the sun lit up
The iridescent green of the Mallards’ necks
It was just a brief moment
Missed if my eyes had glanced over to my coffee cup
Or turned to tussle the hair on my dog’s head
Which rested in my lap
Each choice, with intention,
Connects me to this moment of life
This very breath
But instead, I lifted my head
And gazed out at the pond
Beyond my writing desk
As the Mallards swam out from the shadows
And the scene exploded into metallic greens and gold
Just as quickly, the ducks exited to the right
Beyond the stage light of the sun beam
I rested my pen down and lifted up my coffee cup
I stroked the top of my beautiful dog companion’s head
Knowing that everything was
Just the way it was supposed to be.
Janet Elizabeth Hartwick Sterk
Rick Monteith
I hope you’re submitting these somewhere. You should read at Barbaric Yawp – open mic at The Underground Music Cafe on Hamline the last Sunday of the month.
Rick, I will, I promise! I have considered reading at the Barbarid Yawp, on that last Sunday of the month but have often been gone. As I will be on the 27th. I am hoping to be submitting soon. I completely appreciate your encouragement. Sweet.
Linnea Dietrich
Nailed it again Janet. So calming, so right, so mindful, so beautiful.
Thank you Linnea!