“A Year with Hafiz” lay on the arm of the soft leather couch. The binding edge of the book seemed more narrow than the side of the book that revealed the edges of the pages. As I picked up the book, I could see he had folded back more than half the corners on the pages. This book of lyrical poetry by the Persian poet was well read. Hafiz’ words of inspiration were intended, by author and reader, to be read again and again, simply by allowing one’s finger to lift the page at the folded corner. I lifted one page.
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”
I lifted another folded corner.
“Every since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.”
I lifted my head to look quietly at the fire in the fireplace and then allowed my eyes to drift to the window above me which framed the exquisite beauty of the dense woods, dressed now in the rich golds and reds and oranges of fall, punctuated by the rich deep dark green of the stately evergreen tress, which randomly, perfectly, sprinkled themselves into the mix of birch, oak and poplar tree. And I suddenly wanted to fold back the corner of this moment so I could return to it over and over.
The pages of our hearts, our lives, that, if we could, might possess corners that we could fold back so that we could return to that instant any time we desired. I wondered about precious moments, insights, or messages from others that could be these folded corner moments. A look, a touch, a laugh, a tear. All the complex textures of life and relationship. All dog-eared and folded over in our hearts and minds.
I set down the book of Hafiz poems, and closed my eyes. I will need to fold over the corner of today’s page, so I can return to it when I need a reminder of fall’s beauty. I took in a deep breath so that my heart might fold over this corner and remember.
Janet Elizabeth Hartwick Sterk
October 24, 2019
Caren Witzmann
Oh my goodness dear Janet..this is so lovely 🍁
Thank you Caren!
Susan Ready
yes indeed this is lovely and very lyrical love the photo and did you hear we had to put Bella to sleep? What a painful decision and such a loss here is our tribute to her
Thank you Sue, and oh my. What a loss for you and Charlie. What a sweet girl she was. She will live in your hearts forever. Like the corner folded down on the “Bella Page” in the book of your life. My heart goes out to you.
Sharon Huggett
That is beautiful Janet. So thought provoking and comforting. You have such a wonderful way of expressing these moments in life.
Thank you Sharon! I hope you are well. Lovely to be in touch
Tara Schoeller
I am finally replying! My website has a few glitches and so I am not seeing when people comment and no one is seeing when I post. I am working with someone to fix things tomorrow. Hope you are well.
Thank you Sharon. I appreciate you reading and commenting. So grateful… Hugs to you.
Bev Bachel
As always, reading your words provides a lovely respite in my day. Love the photo…and your uplifting spirit.
Thank you Bev! I look forward to seeing you soon!
Debra Palmquist
What a beautiful image you shared here. I love the idea of being able to fold over a page of our heart to return to a moment or a day that we have cherished in some way. Isn’t it endless what words can evoke in us, in poems or a spoken exchange between us? I am glad I came back to this after a beautiful weekend with you. xo Deb
Thank you Deb. It was a beautiful weekend of yoga by the lake and I think I will fold back the corner of the page on this one. You are a treasure. XOXO