Then and Now

posted in: Healing Journey, Poems | 10


It was carried on the breath of Robin’s song

Like sheer silk skirts

Of some exotic dancer

Easing down upon me

As the cascading warble erased the present moment

Ushering memory through the complex melody


The past, the felt sense of

My eight-year-old body was in me now

No longer limited by my

Hip stiff walking

My 74-year-old assemblage of cranium, torso, limbs

And titanium


Robin – the transmitter of cellular recall

The scent of apple blossoms

A carpet of nearly translucent white petals

Browned by the careless steps of my eager young feet

The compendious mandala of

Interwoven sturdy branches

Over head


That created a temple for my thoughts

My father stands next to the hulk of the mighty apple tree

Pounding long nails securing 2X4’s

Long enough to extend on either side

So that my chubby tennis shoe clad feet

Could mount them board by board


Fingers, nails bitten down to the nub

Dug into the craggy folds of the bark

As I pulled my soft body up, grasping for branches

Until I reached the cradle of the first bifurcation

And paused


Boards, one by one, I hauled up to the gnarly horizontal branches

Holding tight to a plastic blue bucket heavy with nails and a hammer

Somehow never letting go of the bucket’s bail

I laid out my design, each board supporting the other

Never questioning my competency

Or the safety of my patchwork quilt of board and batten


In the un-noticed background

The anthem of the Robin’s song

Wove itself into my memory

As tactile sensations braided themselves into my mind

My imagination morphed each

Sliver rich board

Into exotic shelter and secret gardens


How many summers was I young enough to believe

Surrounding myself with blankets, books, pencils and notebooks

Writing crude clues of dreamy illusions

Forgotten but not.

Until today. When she sang again.


Tender memories unfurled

A magic carpet for me to take

To a different part of me – a thread to follow

Still with my stiff hipped gate

Yet feeling that tree house girl


Recognizing she is still here

Still finding canopy temples

Still carrying her books, pens and notebooks

Searching for the inspiration and magic

And still hearing the Robin sing – “I knew you then.”


Janet Elizabeth Hartwick Sterk

June 2024

10 Responses

  1. nancy h weiman

    Wonderful. I felt it too…. I don’t have the robins here at this time of year, but the chickadees, wren’s, various woodpeckers, bluebirds and thrush all sing their songs. I love to watch them, now with their young, teaching them the ways of forest life.

    Thanks Janet…. Someday when I get to MN, I would love to talk to you and enjoy your presence. It might be as soon as August!

    In the meantime I will enjoy the presents of your poetry!

    • HealingJourneys

      I loved reconnecting with you Nancy – at the reunion. I would welcome an in-person visit. Thank you for the wonderful words and sharing of your messages from nature. August is busy with family at my cabin but maybe something will work out.
      Be well, and keep celebrating life.

  2. Debra Palmquist

    I like how you recall the younger you and use the sound of a robin’s call to get us to join you in the reflection. Tender memories unfurled, A magic carpet for me to take, To a different part of me – a thread to follow.
    I also love seeing that confident 8-year-old “Never questioning my competency, or the safety of my patchwork quilt of board and batten. A tree house girl who writes. Some things don’t change over time! Lovely.

    • HealingJourneys

      Thank you Deb. As we know, it is a joy to find the path connecting all our parts, through our words – let the muse inspire us. So grateful to travel with you on this journey.

  3. marilyn mayry

    When present evokes past and memories come alive, we are gifted with life’s great circle. You capture it here. Love your remembering and the bringing together of it All.

  4. Kim

    Love that this, too, brought me back to the magical wonders of my childhood that I still relish and savor in memory and current actuality.


    • HealingJourneys

      Thank you Kim! I have been hearing so many people comment on how this brought them back to memories of their own. I love that. Thanks for leaving a comment.

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